The list will be saved, memory allocated for 100 more records and the list reloaded. No more records can be added until additional memory is allocated. Either find out why or choose “Save Copy To” from the File menu and save the list to a new name. Not to worry. It will be saved either when you choose to save the list or when you quit Address Book. New records are normally saved to the file on disk as they are entered. This was not as the list file was already open. You need Address Book version 4 to open this list file. Reading Loading the Records. Writing Exporting to If the list is still damaged, either revert to your backup list or merge the backup into this partial list. If you live dangerously and don't have a backup, you are stuck with what's left. You should quit Address Book without saving then run Apple's "Disk First", Norton's "Disk Doctor" or any disk repair program to attempt to correct the problem. Once you have done that then try to open this list again. records have been lost. All records could not be read from the disk probably due to a damaged disk directory. They are probably at the start of the index. Please find and delete before saving the list. record(s) with empty name and address fields have been found. The file is in use by another program. Either split the file by "Marking Records" such as "A-K" and export the marked records or select categories to export. The HP95 Phone Book file size must be under 48k. This one is over Appending "_backup" to the file name made it too long. A few letters have been removed but only in the backup file name. Does it have more than 31 characters? The list will not be saved as the following file name is bad. The file or disk is locked. Select the file in the Finder, press command-I and un-check the “Locked” box. The file or disk is locked. Select the file in the Finder, press command-I and un-check the “Locked” box. Hit “Yes” to cancel the Quit or “No” to Quit and lose your changes. Cannot save the changes to the list file:- Folder(s) :- Load the current list every time Address Book is launched. Drive :- If the records are garbage, click OK then select Revert from the File menu. Clicking "Cancel" may destroy your list. record(s) are damaged and have marked with an asterisk for your attention. Do you wish to return to the previous dialog and create one? Clicking "No" will quit Address Book Address Book can not continue without a preferences file. Changes since the previous version have screwed up your envelope sender addresses. Do you want to look for it ? "Yes" will bring up the "Get File" dialog so you can locate the "AdBk Prefs" file. "No" will create a new file and use the default settings. Can't locate the preferences file. Do you want to look for it ? Your existing Prefs file is not compatible. The default values will be set. Can't locate the Address Book help file. Can't find "AdBk Prefs" file. One will be created to hold your preferences. You will lose any edited changes since the list was opened or last time it was saved. Any new records added will be intact. Revert to the previous version of If you managed to open and have saved the list file in some other program, it longer has the correct Address Book format. Better find your backup list. Sorry! The file you tried to load has the wrong data format. Once converted, it can not be used by version 2.x Address Books. The old list will not be overwritten unless you do so in the next dialog. Click "OK" to convert your version 2 list file to the new format. System Error # Can't find the For some unknown reason, the number read was only If you have a list file, do you want to search for it. The Address Book will remember where to look next time. The search path stored does not lead to an Address Book list file.